At-home test kits for
better health

Who we are

A student project trying to solve the challenge of how we can increase transparency on reproductive health for people who want to preserve their fertility. We are convinced, that early detection and transparency on ones own health are what the current state of medicine is lacking.

What we do

We dedicate this two month project to establish fruitful connections between industry and universities to promote the use of at-home test kits to detect sexually transmitted diseases. Specifically Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. Participate in this
Google Form to help us!

Why we do it

We found out that Chlamydia and Gonorrhea can remain dormant for years, without any symptoms and meanwhile cause irreversible damage to the reproductive system. This makes them especially suitable for at-home test kits.

What we achieved

  • Cooperating with Unilabs
  • Cooperating with University of Aveiro
  • Created a survey to investigate the sexual lifestyle of young adults.

How you can reach out to us

For now reach out to Richard at
